Why Would I Do This?
I Want to Prove That I Can
I am going to use my business website as a case study on the effectiveness of my writing for growing subscribers. I will be giving out more details as we go along, but I have a business that has about 300-400 email subscribers. My goal is to get that number into the thousands, and my main way to achieve this is with engaging content.
I’ll be sharing my stats at the start, including traffic, etc., on my business site. Then, I’ll continue to present the proof here that content grows site engagement. You’ll see the proof.
Of course, I won’t tell you what the website is. That would contaminate the data. (I should mention… I’m also a social scientist by training, and one who loves stats and research methods, so I have to do this right.)
I Want to Show You How I Do It
I will also be telling you how I do this as it happens, so we both can learn from this.
- First, I created this site. I used Hugo, which I highly recommend if you don’t mind doing a little work in the terminal.
- Next, I’m going to grab a snapshot of my business page stats and post it here.
- Oh, and I’ll set up a way for you to subscribe to this blog using ConvertKit, which I also highly recommend.
There are obviously steps after that, but that’s enough for now. I gotta get to work on this.